Qahwa, Poetry & Free Palestine: Relaunch of the "Boring" Campaign on Palestine

You're invited to join us to hear inspiring & emotional pieces from local wordsmiths about Palestine, the occupation, and the ongoing struggle for liberation. This program will also be the official re-launch of the "Boring Campaign on Palestine".

WHAT: Qahwa, Poetry & Free Palestine

WHERE: Jasmine Market & Cafe

WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 18th @ 6:00 P.M.

Interested in Performing: Are you a Wordsmith and would like to perform during this program? Simply click on the link below and signup today!

This program is hosted by CAIR-Texas & the Young Muslim Leadership Council. The program will also include the official launch of "The Boring Campaign" in Palestine. A campaign to encourage Americans to get involved in Government, the media, and education to change U.S. public perception of Palestine.

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